
The Good Blog

Everything you need to know about conscious marketing, for conscious brands, for those who live the conscious life.

Black-Owned Businesses, Food Jasmyn Brecheisen Black-Owned Businesses, Food Jasmyn Brecheisen

5 Black-Owned Food Brands We Love

As mentioned in last week’s post, this month -- to further support Black History Month -- we’re focusing on black-owned businesses. I won’t lie, finding a way to include only five brands for this week’s blog was very difficult (but I’m incredibly excited to share the brands I did land on). This week we’re focusing on black-owned food companies! You’ve probably heard the phrase, “Vote with your wallet.” This expresses how you have the power to uplift companies that share your values, simply through a small purchase. Purchasing items from black-owned entrepreneurs shows your support for these amazing companies. So, follow me while I guide you through five food brands we love!

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Eco-Friendly, Etsy Shops, Black-Owned Businesses Jasmyn Brecheisen Eco-Friendly, Etsy Shops, Black-Owned Businesses Jasmyn Brecheisen

5 Black-Owned Etsy Shops We Love

To further support Black History Month, we’ve decided to focus this month’s series on black-owned businesses. Get excited, because I have a great list of five black-owned Etsy shops you should try! Purchasing items on Etsy is arguably a more ethical option compared to alternatives because you know who’s making the product and you can assume that the majority of their profit goes in their pockets.

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